
Soul X Maka Chapter 9: Soul's Story

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Soul slugs into Chupa Cabras, Star and Kid following behind, both still very curious.

"YO BARTENDER!! THREE DRINKS!!" Soul waves at the bartender who nods and walks to prepare the drinks.

"I as a Shiniami should not be here… but I will not complain…" He mutters seeing a women walk by with a body Kid thought was "symmetrical".

"And I'm married… but you know… what Tsubaki doesn't know…" Star says reaching for the drink.

"There you go my boys, LIVE LIKE YOU'LL FREAKING DIE TOMORROW!! HAHA!!" Soul cackles slamming his drink down and wanting another. Star looks at his longtime friend and nudges him.

"Ok, spill. Where you been the last 13 years?" Star asks. Soul, who was chugging another drink, stops mid drink and places his drink down. He sighs deeply and stands.

"Yeah, lets get a booth." He mutters as he and Star head to the booth. "Kid you… coming?" Soul asks to Kid as Kid sits with two women, his cheeks red.

"Kid's a fast drinker." Star sighs face palming. "He actually tried to kiss me at me and Tsubaki's wedding he was so hammered…UGH." Star shutters to Souls laughter.

"I told you he needed to get out more." Soul chuckles to himself. The two slide into the booth and Soul leans back in his seat. "Well… this is going to take a while."

"I don't have to feel sorry. He left, I got over it, I found a new man. End of story." Maka states as she walks with Tsubaki, Liz, and Patty.

"But like Black*Star said, he did come back." Liz pushes as Maka brushes it off.

"Should've come back sooner." She says cold faced.

"He wouldn't have acted that way to you or him if he didn't still feel the same." Tsubaki pushes. Maka turns to her friends with her stern face.

"Ok, why do you guys care? You guys were as pissed as me because he left. Liz, you had a death warrant on him for 7 months." She states to the girls as Liz blushes.

"Besides, my life got somewhat better. Me and my father fixed our relationship, I was able to graduate top of my class, and now I have a guy who is truly perfect. He doesn't fool around, he's not a total pervert, and he'll never hurt me." She says a little lulingly.

"We worry because we've never even met this guy before. And he seems kinda…" Tsubaki states before Liz pushes her aside and stands arms crossed at Maka.

"He looks sorta like a creep." Liz says sternly. "Whether you see him as a prince or not, you should've atleast told us. Whats the story with him?" Liz asks.

"Fine. I'll tell you." Maka answers, continuing to walk with the others.

"… Things were going great you know. Maka and I… what was it people at the academy said about us? THR PERFECT PIECES TO THE PUZZLE OF LOVE? Ha… aww man… those days…" Soul recounts as he takes another sip from his drink.

"Yeah. But what happened? You two were happy. And you just, left." Black*Star asks with curiosity.

"Well… ugh… it was our one year anniversary you know? I went to get the mail that morning, I had made Maka breakfast that morning, so she ate while I got the mail. I open the mail slot and the one on the very top… was from my family…" Soul mutters taking another big gulp from his drink.

"What did it say?" Black*Star asks. He saw a look of sorrow on Soul's face he only saw rarely. A look of genuine sadness.

"My older brother, Wes… he was dying… and they wanted me to see him." Soul mutters, wiping a single tear in his eye.

"Oh god…" Star says. He knew Soul and his brother were close, but could tell Soul was hurting.

"I left… because Maka knew how much I hated my family's lifestyle… but my brother asked for me personally. So I left in the middle of the night, was just gonna say I was kidnapped by 500 Kishin and took them all on myself. She'd kill me, but not as bad as if I told her I saw my family. So, I made it to the estate, stayed for a good week. Then came the day Wes' health got to its worst… he asked for me to come to his side… he placed his hand in mine and begged me… 'don't go back to being a weapon. You have so much talent little brother. Don't waste it. Make a name for yourself… show the world who Soul Eater Evans really is…' Those were the last words he ever said to me…" Soul says, now wiping tears on his jacket. "So, I thought for a few days… and decided to follow my brothers wishes and become a musician." Soul says finishing his drink with the last gulp.

"So that's why… but why didn't you call, or tell any of us?" Black*Star asks.

"I just, couldn't. I'd pick up the phone… and I wouldn't be able to say anything. After a month or two I just… moved on I guess. I did classical performances for a good 4 years. Than some dude named Slice offered for me to join his rock band as keyboard. I was apart of the band Slice N' Dice as keyboard and backing vocals for 5 years. Every time Death City offered us a gig, I talked the guys out of it. Just, wasn't ready to come back really." Soul explains, chuckling at the thoughts.

"So, that's 9 years, where were you the last 4?" Black*Star asks as a waitress arrives with new drinks for the two. Soul sighs deeply and looks Star dead in the eye.

"What I'm about to tell you does not leave this booth. Got it?" Soul says as serious faced as Star had ever seen.

"Yeah. Promise." Star says nodding with an assuring grin. Soul grabs the sleeve of his blazer and raises it, to Stars wide and shocked eyes.

"It started about a year ago." Maka says as she begins her story. Her, Tsubaki, and Liz sat on a park bench as Patty ran with the children in the sand, to Liz's again embaressement. "I had met him a few times in the Academy, but this was the first time I had seen him outside of school. We met in the poetry section…" She lulls, to blushing from Tsubaki and Liz making a gagging motion. "He walked up and introduced himself, said he saw me at school, we talked, he asked for my number, and that's really how it started." She finishes.

"And you never told us, why?" Liz asks with a angered look.

"Because I knew you all would act like you did today." Maka answers. Liz nods, somewhat understanding.

"And your father?" Tsubaki asks.

"God no. He was so pissed at Soul, he would've never trusted me with another man." Maka says with an angered look. "I love my father do death, but jeez I could imagine the crap he'd give me." Maka sighs face palming.

"So, what about when Rein asks about Soul?" Tsubaki asks, with Liz giving a sly grin.

"I will tell him the truth. Soul means nothing to me anymore. Simple as that." Maka answers, making Tsubaki and Liz look down and sigh.

"Well, me and Patty have got to go. Death needs his weapons. Come on Patty!!" Liz says as she stands and walks off, Patty skipping after her.

"I must return home to. Hopefully Star found… " Tsubaki says before she catches herself. "Good day Maka, see you soon." She says as she walks off.

Maka grins as Tsubaki walks off. The moment she sees Tsubaki dissapear she claps her hands and cries.

"You bastard… why now... why come back freaking now?" She cries as she sits alone on the bench.

"Is… is that?" Star asks. Before he can even finish, Soul nods and covers the markings that cover his arm.

"Yeah. The Black Blood. It's starting to leak through my pores." He says looking down.

"How the... l?" Star asks. "Is that why you-?"

"I noticed when the band was on tour. I thought it was nothing, but… I had these dreams… no, not dreams… nightmares." Soul says rubbing his head. "I couldn't focus on my music, couldn't eat, and got these cravings to kill someone. I was losing my mind. I got kicked out of the band for not paying attention during shows and fighting with crowd members when those cravings came up." Soul says. He pushes the drink away and his hand begins to shake. "I was homeless, jobless. Did some stuff… stuff im not proud of… I just… wanted to die man. I just wanted someone to shoot me square in the forehead. I had no one, and I was turning into… into…" Soul struggles to say as he grasps his hand and starts to shake.

"Kishin. You knew you were becoming a Kishin." Star finishes to Soul's relief.

"Yeah. I had to do something. I looked up Pro. Stein. Visited him at his asylum. He studied me and put me through some tests. Kept me there for a year, to make sure I didn't lose control. His results got me this." He explains before taking out a pill bottle. "The stuff that keeps me alive." He says coldly, his eyes glassy as he looks at the bottle. "Pro. Stein said it isn't a cure, but it slows down the Black Blood from spreading and going through my body." He finishes putting the bottle back into the bag.

"So… you're… you're…" Star tries to say, but tears up trying to.

"I'm dying, yes. Stein gave me a few months. I returned home, spoke to my family. Granny wouldn't let me go and she soaked my shirt with her tears. Visited Wes' tombstone, told him I accomplished everything he thought I would. And I got on a train, and decided I needed to make amends with everyone down here. Especially Maka…" Soul says. He looks down at his bag and sees the small box, biting his lip and looking down. "I only have a few weeks at most, actually lucky I haven't croaked yet. Hell, I expected her to want to kill me. She'd tackle me, we'd wrestle. It'd end in us smiling and laughing our asses off, then I would hug her… kiss her… then I would've… but no. I was to late. And now she's with that guy. Guess I'm S.O.L huh?" Soul asks with a chuckle and downs his whole glass. Star looks down at his watch and his eyes widen.

"Sorry, but its 10:30… I've got too-"Star says as Soul motions him to go off.

"Go. We'll catch up later." Soul says grinning. Star and Soul shake hands and Star heads out, with the drunken shinigami over his shoulder. Soul sits at the booth to near closing time.

"You done sir?" The waitress asks as Soul reaches into his wallet and places the money.

"Thanks… What?" He responds as he looks up to see his waitress, Blair the Cat from 13 years ago. "Blair?" He asks with a chuckle. Blair study's Soul an her face brighens.

"SOUL!!" The cat witch lulls as she squeezes Soul into her chest. Soul blushes being suffocated by Blair's chest.

"Good old Blair… haven't changed a bit." He muffles. She lets go of the hug and gives a grin.

"Been a while. What brings you here?" She asks, sliding into the booth for conversation.

"Well, wanted to get drunk. And I guess the imunity I built during my band years just wont let me." He mutters to a chuckle from Blair.

"I saw you talking to Black*Star. Seemed like it was pretty serious." She taunts as Soul grins.

"You could say that." Soul mutters. He saw Blair changed little to not at all. Appearently she was able to keep her job here at Chupa Cabra's, though she still seemed as somewhat dim witted she stayed.

"So, how you've been? I want all the details." She asks. Soul grins and leans back.

"Alright then. Sit back." He says as she leans I to hear.

It was late. Maka didn't even realize what time it was before she checked her watch. She was on the way home where her loving boy friend waited for her. Rein had moved in just a month ago. He took care of her, he loved her, and she knew it. She made it to her house and walked in to Rein lying on the couch and watching T.V.

"Your late." He grunts. She walks past him to the room they shared.

"I'm going to bed babe." She mutters. Rein looked up with a curious look, then asked her what she expected him to.

"That Soul guy… who was he?" He asks. Maka didn't even look him in the face, she didn't want him to see her dried tears.

"He was my old weapon. Nothing more." She says as she walks into their room. "Goodnight. Come to bed soon." She finishes closing the door.

"Wow…" Blair states almost dazed at Soul's story.

"Yep. Some life so far huh?" Soul says with a grin.

"Truthfully, that full on sucks." She says. She had no idea Soul thought to himself.

"What's worse. The only thing that kept me going… was Maka. I traveled so far, endured so much hell… and she's with another guy." He says, sorrowfully chuckling trying to hide his pain. "I guess I deserve it right? My whole life's been a waste. I couldn't please my brother when he was alive, I hurt Maka our whole time being together, now I'm going to die without knowing that one thing. Maybe she would've said yes, maybe not. But at least I'd be dead knowing." He says. "And as I sit here… wishing to curse her name to hell… I still love her… I'd kill that bastard if it meant-" Soul rambles with a bit of hate in his voice. Blair places a hand on his and looks him in the eye.

"Listen to yourself hun… your letting yourself get angry when you should be happy." She says. Soul gets a look of angery and curiousity.

"What are you talking abut? Happy? I'm fighting to stay alive, I come to see the only girl I've ever loved… and I just end up wishing to die sooner." He mutters. Blair looks down, she understood what he was saying, but he missed the point.

"You were gone for 13 years. Not to sound mean, but you seem like you were expecting everything to be the same. Her to just take you open armed like you never left. THAT is stupid." She says in a mocking tone. "She had to move on. I saw her come in a few times. Not once did she not have tears in her eyes and muttering something about you. She decided she wanted to move on, and she did. This Rein guy, I've seen her with him. He obviously makes her happy, right?" She says, making Soul's eyes widen. "You love her don't you? So just because she's not yours now, it doesn't mean you should stop, or hate her. You can love her to your hearts content, but you need to move on too, or it'll kill you quicker than your illness." She says with a soft smile.

"I do… I love her so much I just…" Soul mutters. "I just…" He trys to finish.

"You just want her to be yours. I know it hurts. But for now, you need to be happy because she is." Blair finishes. Soul looks down at the table. He couldn't believe he was talking with that same Blair from 13 years ago.

"No offense, but you're a lot smarter than you were 13 years ago." Soul chuckles mockingly. He looks and sees the bar starting to close and stands from his seat. "Well, I need to go." He says to a look from Blair.

"You got a place to stay hun?" She asks worried.

"Just getting a hotel room I guess." He says. Blair shakes her head in disagreement and grabs his shoulder.

"No way! It's too late. You're staying at Casa de la Blair tonight!" She lulls. "I got an extra room I have no real use for, so you can stay there tonight, then go find a place tomorrow." She finishes with her cat smile.

"I appreciate it. Thank you." he answers. With his own smile.

"I'll meet you out front. Just let me get my stuff." She says. Soul walks out to the front of the bar. He looked up at the starry sky.

"I'm gonna miss the nights like these." Soul says to himself. He takes out the small box and holds it in his hand, remembering the words of his bother.

"Soul, when you find that special person… this really will come in handy. I hope you do, little brother."

Soul squeezes the box in his hand and puts it back in the bag. He looks up and sees a single star, shining brighter than the others and smiles, wishing somewhere, Maka was staring at that same star.
So... results of getting done early XP Considering the last chapter left a lot of questions unanswered I thought I'd release it to stop any confusion.

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-I do not own Soul Eater nor its Characters. All are owned by Atsushi Okubo. This is just a fanfic. Ok? Good XP
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sesshomaru1126's avatar
No no more im fucking crying and teary eyed and jeez ......(sob,sob).............maka how could ya ...........( now im just going to go in my corner and die/cry)